Testing School Computers and Networks for LifeJourney Access

Accessing the LifeJourney platform in schools is easy and straightforward. This note describes the “system test” that can be performed by your school’s IT team to ensure that LifeJourney will run spectacularly in the classroom networks and on student computers.

System Test

Run the test by following this link: https://systest.golifejourney.com/lifeJourney/systest

Green checkmarks seen for each of the tests indicates compatible network and computer settings.

Google Chrome is preferred, but the latest versions of Safari, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox are also appropriate. (Older IE8/9 will not work.) LifeJourney also runs well on iOS and Android tablets.

If Problems …

If any red are seen in System Test results, the following networks may need to be added to the school’s firewall settings:
